
Fingerprint Processing Instructions


To collect Finger Image:

this instruction is used for detecting the finger and store the detected finger image in ImageBuffer while returning successfull confirmation code; If there is no finger, returned conirmation code would be “can’t detect finger”.

Python API: r305.genImg


Upload Image:

this instruction is used to upload the image in Img_Buffer to upper computer

Python API: not available yet.


Download Image:

to download image from upper computer to Img_Buffer.

Python API: r305.DownImg


To generate character file from image:

to generate char acter file from the original finger image
in ImageBuffer and store the file in CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2.

Python API: r305.Img2Tz


To generate template:

to combine information of character files from CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2 and generate a template which is stored back in both CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2.

Python API: r305.RegModel


To upload character or template:

to upload the character file or template of CharBuffer1/CharBuffer2 to upper computer.

Python API: r305.UpChar


To store template:

to store the template of specified buffer (Buffer1/Buffer2) at the designated location of Flash library.

Python API: r305.Store


To read template from Flash library:

to load template at the specified location (PageID) of Flash library to template buffer CharBuffer1/CharBuffer2.

Python API: r305.LoadChar


To empty finger library:

to delete all the template in the Flash library.

Python API: r305.DeleteAll


To carry out precise matching of two finger templates:

to carry out precise matching of templates from CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2 providing matching results.

Python API: not available